
Hannah, Anna, Isabell, Magda, Sophie, Linus & Emanuel

“Dear John and the rest of the Village Africa Team. As soon as we heard about the possibility to visit Yamba, we didn’t think twice and reached out to you. We didn’t have any expectations on what we’d experience here, but nevertheless we were overwhelmed by the hospitality of the people in Yamba and the culture on its own.

To see the children’s’ happy faces was heartwarming and showed us what really matters in life. This is an experience we will for sure never forget! Yamba has a special place in our hearts and who knows, maybe we will see each other again! Asante sana.”

Age: 21-24

Nationalities: Austrian

Date of visit: Apr 24

Ricarda Steiner

“I have been to a lot of countries around the world and Yamba was one of the greatest experiences so far.  We were heartily welcomed by singing and dancing children.

During our stay, we met a lot of people who were open-hearted and so kind to show us their culture.  So we got the chance to dance with them, learn a little bit of their language and play with children enjoying their traditional games.

All in all, we are overwhelmed by Yamba and the people who live here.

As I wrote at the beginning, Yamba is one of my greatest experiences so far and I’m thankful that Caroline and her team gave us the chance to come here.  You are all doing so well and we will support you in Austria by telling other people how important your work is.”

Age: 31

Nationality: Austrian

Date of visit: Aug 19

Caption – Ricarda third from left

Anja Hotter and Elisa Brugger

Village Africa – An unforgettable experience!

  • Heartwarming people
  • Hearts full of love
  • Thankfulness
  • Open-minded
  • Uncomplicated
  • Happiness
  • Positivity

An experience that shows what really matters. An experience that makes you think about life.”

Ages: 21 and 23

Nationalities: Austrian

Date of visit: Jul 19

(left to right – Anja and Elisa)

Magdalena, Nuria, Lisa, Isabel, Laura and Christiane

Yamba is a wonderful and overwhelming place – we just feel like out of space! A warm welcome and a lot of children singing along. Thanks for picking us up Caroline and John. You can be proud of building this school. All the best and good luck for your exams soon. We had funny and excited play times with children of all ages – playing football, singing and colouring pages. It was very interesting to see how the locals manage their daily life, even if they have four or five children. Thank you for your gifts, hospitality and being so kind. You will stay forever in our minds. The weekend with all the traditional dancing and singing was adventurous. Asante sana (thank you) for everything you did for us! A special thanks to Lenata and Melania for cooking the food which was especially delicious and good. Stay as beautiful, friendly, lovely and open-minded as we know you – That’s the best thing you can do! All the best.”

Ages: 21-26

Nationalities: Austrian and Italian

Date of visit: Jul 19

Theresa, Christina and Kathrin

It’s an amazing place with lovely people, wonderful views and lots of new experiences. The people here showed us their homes, how they manage their daily lives and we also had great fun with the children. We highly recommend visiting Village Africa.”

Ages: 22, 21 and 21

Nationality: Austrian

Date: Jun 19

Theresa, Christina, Kathrin, in centre left to right


Thank you for showing us your village. It was a very special experience and for me also very emotional. People are all friendly and kind. How the students sang and danced for us was very beautiful. The women cooked excellently for us. Thank you a lot.”

Age: 27

Nationality: Italian

Date: Feb 19

Verena front row right

Viktoria Unterfrauner

It was an amazing experience! A little bit like in our mountains. The silence, the good air, the peace. We could relax very well. The people are very, very friendly and kind. Unfortunately, we could not stay longer, but I will never forget those 3 amazing days! Thanks a lot.”

Age: 21

Nationality: Italian

Date: Oct 18

Viktoria, front right

Caroline Mantle

What an amazing place.  I have travelled a lot and never been somewhere so tranquil.  The people here are so generous, they share everything, such a beautiful sense of family and community that is incredibly humbling.

Village Africa what you have achieved here is nothing short of incredible.  Six potential university students, a school that provides education and future, an ambulance etc.  What an amazing, life changing charity! I look forward to visiting again and supporting your future work.”

Age: 35

Nationality: British

Date: Sept 18

Caroline third from left

Em Southey

This is my 5th visit to Yamba. I came first in 2008 as a building volunteer, followed by volunteer liaison for Village Africa in 2010 and 2011. I returned in 2012 as a visitor and again in 2018. I have spent the week with Babu Doug and Bibi Moe and have, as always, felt very welcome in Yamba. Despite the heavy rains, I have had a fantastic week here and aim to return in the near future!”
Age: 30
Nationality: British
Date: Mar 18

Nathalie Schlӧgl

When Caroline told me about the village Yamba and her work, I knew that I would really like to visit that village and get to know the people who live there.

When we arrived all the people came together to meet us and one school class also prepared some songs which they presented to us. It was amazing and absolutely breath-taking! To be honest, I nearly started to cry. All the people were so nice to us and I really enjoyed staying there. If you want to meet people with a great heart, you have to go there. It was also very encouraging to see how Caroline has improved their lives with her great work.

I definitely recommend going there. It was one of the best experiences I have had up to now.

Thank you!”

Age: 20

Nationality: Austrian

Date: Sept 17

Natalie left holding football

Lisa Flock

To visit this village was one of the best things I’ve done in my life. In these 3 days I had so many experiences and it was really emotional. When we walked through the village all the people said “welcome” and even gave us some presents like fresh eggs from their own animals.
The children were amazing. We played with them and had a lot of fun. It was great to see how they enjoyed it. It was so interesting to see how the people of Yamba live and what things are changing with this great project and the help of Caroline.
Thanks a lot for everything!”
Age: 21
Nationality: Austrian
Date: Sept 17

Back row left to right – Lisa, Judith and Julia

Judith Siebenrock

Yamba is what you call a ‘once in a lifetime experience’. We only stayed for three days but I wanted to be here for a longer time. We enjoyed the meals the housegirl cooked for us. It was the best breakfast we had in Tanzania. If you are here, you can see and feel how Village Africa has changed lives. This project is amazing and the villagers really deserve it. Never have I met so many friendly people and heard so many welcoming words. I didn’t want to miss that experience. Thank you Caroline and Yamba for having us.”
Age: 22
Nationality: Austrian
Date: Sept 17

Julia Seidemann

I am so glad to get the chance to visit this beautiful village. Everybody welcomed us with such a kindness and so much love. All the people showed us what really matters in life. Although they have little, they gave us their food and showed us how they live. In the past few days, we have learned the real meaning of happiness and how hard work and one big heart can change so many people’s lives.
Thank you for this great experience! I will definitely never forget it. Please take care of you and I wish you all the best, Love Julia”
Age: 23
Nationality: Austrian
Date: Sept 17

Felicitas Hoppichler and Sarah Gatterer

Our stay in Yamba was short but lovely. All the people were so nice and gave us the most warm welcome. You feel at home immediately. Caroline helps you whenever she can and takes great care of you! The people of Yamba are so happy to have contact with you. It is just amazing how much you can learn from them and their families. The children are not shy and really enjoy playing and interacting with you. It was just two days but it was a life-changing experience which showed us what is really important in life. So, thanks a lot!!!”
Ages: 21 and 23
Nationalities: Austrian and Italian
Date: Jul 17

Sarah left and Felicitas right

Tom Dickin

This is my seventh visit to Yamba and I continue to be humbled by the generosity and kindness of everyone in the village and Village Africa’s staff. Coming back and seeing my former pupils doing so well and seeing the development in the village in general has been very rewarding. I plan to continue to visit every year to watch my brothers and sisters grow up, succeed and continue to help their village to develop and prosper.”
Age: 32
Nationality: British
Date: June 17